Email Complaint
- As per the Government of India’s resolution on “Public Interest Disclosure and Protection of Informers (PIDPI)”, the identity of the complainant is kept secret and is protected from victimization for making such complaints.
- The complainant should disclose his / her identity by giving required Information asked for.
- Anonymous / pseudonymous complaints will not be considered
- The complaint should be specific, brief and factual with verifiable details. It should be supported by documentary evidence wherever possible.
- Complaint with irrelevant, vague, absurd or generalized allegations will be disposed at the discretion of the Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO).
- BEL Vigilance department has full right to Accept / Dispose any complaint as per the CVC guidelines.
Send e-mail complaint to: ,
Postal Complaint
- As per the Government of India’s resolution on “Public Interest Disclosure and Protection of Informers (PIDPI)”, the identity of the complainant is kept secret and is protected from victimization for making such complaints.
- The complainant should disclose his / her identity by giving name, address and contact phone / cell number, e-Mail ID.
- Anonymous / pseudonymous complaints will not be considered.
- The complaint should be sent in a sealed cover. The complaint should be specific, brief and factual with verifiable details. It should be supported by documentary evidence wherever possible. Complaint with irrelevant, vague, absurd or generalized allegations will be disposed at the discretion of the Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO).
- No correspondence shall be entertained on the subject after lodging the complaint, unless required by the office. However, if any fresh facts are available with the complainant, he / she may communicate the same.
- In case it is found that the complaint was false / motivated and lodged with a view to harass the officials, suitable action will be taken against such complainant in accordance with the law.
- BEL Vigilance department has full right to Accept / Dispose any complaint as per the CVC guidelines.
Post your Complaint to the following Address :
Chief Vigilance Officer
Bharat Electronics Limited
Registered & Corporate Office
Outer Ring Road, Nagavara
Bangalore – 560 045.